The purpose of the Lotus Academy is to help people of all ages find connection and community while exploring healing of the mind, body, and Spirit.

our values

  • The Lotus Academy is a safe space for all. Healing is only possible in a safe environment.

  • At the Lotus Academy, we encourage exploring all we have to offer. There is growth and healing in learning to safely expand beyond our comfort zone.

  • The practices offered at the Lotus Academy provide much more than just physical benefits. Dedication to these practices generates self-confidence and a feeling of empowerment which extends beyond your time in the studio.

  • The Lotus Academy is a family business through and through. This is a place for everyone to connect and find community.

Why are we called the Lotus Academy?

The meaning behind “No Mud, No Lotus” is the core of the mission behind The Lotus Academy. We believe that each discipline we offer has its own unique way of helping our members learn to accept their mud, so they can find their lotus.

“The lotus flower, a symbol of awakening in many spiritual traditions, blooms in the muckiest, muddiest swamps. Its roots begin in the mud under the swamp water and its buds slowly reach their way to the surface where they burst open to face the sun. If you want the beauty of the lotus flower, there is no getting around the mud.

What if all the pain, confusion, and difficulty that you’ve experienced during your life is part of the path to freedom and happiness? It doesn’t mean we have to like it, or be grateful for these experiences, or that all will work out for the best. But what if radically understanding our current state of suffering is our only chance to move through it?

Our task, as best as I can see it, is to get to know the muck. Go around with a flashlight, see, and name its parts. We have to learn to breathe through the pain, rather than numb it, and understand that without delving into the mud, we can’t have the lotus. This muck IS our path. Hope and joy and patience and fortitude are born from opening our hearts to the struggle.

We can learn to face the mud with a brave heart. We can commit ourselves to keep showing up, even if we don’t want to, with more kindness, more acceptance, and more love. ‘No Mud, No Lotus’ can be a reminder, helping us to see the transformational possibilities of suffering and the possibilities of the lotus flowers, just waiting to bloom.”